30. mars 2009

49 Amazing Stats

Adam Singer har på sin blogg laget en oversikt over interessante statistikker knyttet til sosiale medier, web 2.0, crowdsoursing og søk. Her er noen høydepunkter.

Google search stats:
  • 1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion) - approximate number of unique URLs in Google’s index
  • 2,000,000,000 (two billion) - very rough number of Google searches daily
  • 68,000,000 - the average number of times people Googled the word Google each month for the last year

Wikipedia stats
  • 2,695,205 - the number of articles in English on Wikipedia
  • 684,000,000 - the number of visitors to Wikipedia in the last year
  • 75,000 - the number of active contributors to Wikipedia
  • 10,000,000 - the number of total articles in Wikipedia in all languages
  • 260 - the number of languages articles have been written in on Wikipedia

Blogosphere stats
  • 133,000,000 - number of blogs indexed by Technorati since 2002
  • 346,000,000 - number of people globally who read blogs (comScore March 2008)
  • 900,000 - average number of blog posts in a 24 hour period
  • 1,750,000 - number of RSS subscribers to TechCrunch, the most popular Technology blog (January 2009)
  • 81 - number of languages represented in the blogosphere
Twitter stats
  • 1,416,448,381 - number of Tweets to date
  • 3,000,000 - number of Tweets/day(March 2008) (from TechCrunch)
  • 723,104 - number of followers of the most popular Twitter user (@CNN)
  • 63% - percentage of Twitter users that are male (from Time)

Facebook stats
  • 150,000,000 - number of active users
  • 170 - number of countries/territories that use Facebook
  • 35 - number of different languages used on Facebook
  • 2,600,000,000 - number of minutes global users in aggregate spend on Facebook daily
  • 100 - number of friends the average user has
  • 700,000,000 - number of photos added to Facebook monthly
  • 52,000 - number of applications currently available on Facebook
  • 140 - number of new applications added per day

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